
As simple as You created this world.
As meangingful as full as the happines can be.
As Light as feather taken by winds.


My photo
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
I want everyone in Indoesia have the luxury of reading. Watching the world from a book.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Setelah menjamur di blog blog tetangga.. akhirnya ketularan terjamur juga.. yang ini dengan penjelasan



Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, PSP, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...just type it in man!

Opening Credits:
LARc en ciel - Flower

Siapa yang bakal jadi flower gue : "like flower bloom in sunrise and i life close to you"

Waking Up:
Half - Makoto kawamoto

bangun tidur terus kepikiran.. half gue : where are you?

First Day At School:
namie amuro - baby dont cry

Inget dulu pertama masuk TK, gue selalu nangis huhuhuhu...

Falling In Love :
Larc En Ciel - Ready Steady Go

Hajar bleh ajaaaaa... HAYAKU!

"THE Relationship":
Remioromen - Konayuki

Huahahahhahah... romantis ya gue...

Fight Song:
Judy and Mary - Classic

it will beautifully paint those painful days the color of sky - gue emang positif soul huahahahah

Breaking Up:
Larc en ciel - FAte

Painfully I love you... =(

Larc en Ciel - Jiyuu e no Shoutai

TEriak sekeras kerasnya huahahahhahahah

Judy And Mary - Sanpomichi

JAdi inget dulu film tentang anchor hehehehhehe

Mental Breakdown:
Larc en Ciel - Niji

Lagu yang selalu memberi hope di masa-masa suram huhuhuhu
"if i burn out, its fine.."

Larc en Ciel - anata

Selalu inget dia...

Hitomi Takahasi - Aozora no namida

i wont regret the things i live for - aozora no namida

Getting Back Together:
Core of Soul - Purple Sky

Lagu ini bagus sekali huhuhuhuhu

Judy and Mary - Blue tears

Ga mau menikahhhhh....

Birth of Child:
Club 80's - I LOVE U

Hahahahahhaha... anehhh anehhhh

Final Battle:
Orange Range - Champione

Selalu jadi champione di tiap perang huahahahahhahahaha

Death Scene:
Mika Nakashima - find the way

Huk sedih banget lagunya kalo meninggal kaya gini...

Funeral Song:
Way Back into love - ost music n Lirics

Hohohohohohoho... bagusnya kalo ada pemakaman lagunya kaya gini huhuhuhu

End credits :
Do As Infinity - Yesterday and today

It is then one day maybe we will sing together again,Beginning one more day


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