
As simple as You created this world.
As meangingful as full as the happines can be.
As Light as feather taken by winds.


My photo
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
I want everyone in Indoesia have the luxury of reading. Watching the world from a book.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Menjawab Tag Sazki

Read this first:

1. Each Bloggers must post these rules.

2. Each Bloggers starts with eight random facts/habits about them selves.

3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read ur blog.

Julietta ituuu...

1. Sangat suka Larc en ciel.

2. Kecanduan tidur... gue bisa loh tidur 28 jam ngga bangun-bangun sampe gue dikira kena lalat tze tze.

3. Sangat suka makan tapi selalu bingung milih mau makan dimana.

4. Senang segala macam games computer.

5. Sangat suka belanja dan beli buku.

6. Selalu males pake kacamata sampe kadang2 ngga keliatan nulis apa di monitornya.

7. Susah sekali dibangunin kalo tidur. kalo dibangunin bawaannya marah dan bentak. huahahahahha...

8. sering banget kena penyakit orang kaya (baca. mencret dan diare... hwakhakhakhakhak)

Silahkan diteruskan ah... hahahahhaha...

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