
As simple as You created this world.
As meangingful as full as the happines can be.
As Light as feather taken by winds.


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Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
I want everyone in Indoesia have the luxury of reading. Watching the world from a book.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dear. Miss Smile

I know, you are farrr (with 3 r) smarter then any of us. Far-far-far.

Tapi, kalo belom punya karya kayanya ga ush ngoceh ya. You don't even finish your school in what age? Okay... People can split anything on book they wrote-anytime-anywhere. If you don't like it, ga usah beli kali...

Ngingetin aja ya karena you are far-far smart. Buku tuh ada genrenya. Kalo mau buku yang berat coba baca buku2 kuliahan, dijamin berat. Tapi buku yang pengen lo baca n ga pernah diselesein itu ngga usah dijudge brain-shit donk. They doin good. At least the writter put 100percent commitment in what their do. Unlike you who event don't think an academic commited.

Awh, I'm shitting my brain on my blog. Ga boleh ya? Hahahha cheers!
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