Jeritan hatikuw gonjreng!
List 15 things you want to say to 15 people but know you never will. Don't say who they are.
1. Cepet sembuh ah, jangan suka bandel makan yang pedes pedes, tahan dulu ntar aq masakin makanan kesukaan kamu itu. hehehe, LOVE YOU!
2. Tayaaaang, disakitin temen itu kan biasa. yang ngga biasa itu kalo kita mikirin hal kaya gini terus2an. mending kita cari waktu untuk nongkrong2 cantik atau nonton2 cantik hehehe, ayo donk senyum!
3. Kamu selalu ada di posisi dimana kamu harus selalu ngerti, like you did to me all the time. Time tell, you dont have to worried. I miss our talk!
4. Why so complicated, why so misterious, why so silent. Speak up so I can see your colour!
5. Terimakasih ya, dunia yang kecil namun ceria itu benar-benar membuat semangat baru.
6. Find the right person to be your friend, they will show your true colour-the beautiful one not the ugly one like this one.
7. I need a contract, please do make one!
8. You are beautiful, no matter what. Dont have to dieting so much. Being a lil chubby is not a sin.
9. Lately, I know you are not that one I told myself you are. You a lot childish than I tought! Shame on you.
10. I know you hear everything but sharing nothing. That is a wise choice!
11. Please dont say those stupid I-m-grumpy-so-what line. You know it is not good.
12. Im sorry if I do wrong, but everybody make their part right?
13. Ganti nama aja lo jadi M U N A R O H M U N A F I K O H.
14. You make a choice for yourself, dont let anyone make it for you.
15. So, Its like you having a PMS everyday... rite?
Jeng gonjreng....
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