Manusia Biasa
Siang ini gue baru dateng ke kantor jam 2 siang dan langsung masuk ruang miting. setelah itu, gue nyari nyari info buat riaw nippon dan chatt ama beberapa temen gue. lalu sahabat gue online...
Dia hanya OL dan meninggalkan pesan pendek :
no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
Apa yang melatarbelakangi kejadian itu, karena gue curhat mati2an tentang "trusting to a friend" issue, dan seumur hidup gue, dialah orang yang paling mengerti cara menghadapi gue yang super badeur dan keras-kepala ini. awalnya karena gue kecewa dan merasa dibohongi. sebenernya bisa aja gue cuek, n playing dont care for them all. but when it comes to my friends that i really love and care about, i become really hurt for me. dan gue berdebat sampai sang sahabat mengeluarkan quotesnya yang kedua.
two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
terimakasiyyyy yah, bestfriend. selalu berkata jujur tentang diriku. you never fail me even once. glad to have you there. as my besfriendforever, as my always-understand-friend, as my free-to-talk-and-always-there-friend, as always-can-be-trustfriend, as someone-who-always-said-if-you-never-try-you-never-now, and as the-best-heart-healer-of-all.
I Have a lot friend, but its always you there as my bestfriend.
and as i said, friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
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