
As simple as You created this world.
As meangingful as full as the happines can be.
As Light as feather taken by winds.


My photo
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
I want everyone in Indoesia have the luxury of reading. Watching the world from a book.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Am I an Adult?

Tadi malam setelah mengobrol dengan beberapa teman terbersit pertanyaan :
"mana yang lebih baik : being a child or an adult?"
temen2 gue lebih banyak milih yang pertama, soalnya menurut mereka anak2 ngga perlu mikirin kerjaan, gaji, dll.

tapi menurut gue being an adult is so much fun.
Coz for me adult surely means responsibilities, and responsibilities does sucks!
Responsibilities doesnt goes away and it cant be avoiden.
Either someone makes us face it or we suffer with the consequences.
But still, for me being an adult is better.
Better for the shoes, get drunk and the best is : NO PARENTS TELLING ME WHAT TO DO.

And it feels damn good t makes my own decision!

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